Sunday, February 20, 2011

Romaaa 2.18-2.19

Rome - another place in which I wouldn't mind living. It was so warm and sunny the whole time we were there which made our stay even more amazing. In Rome, you can just be walking along and you'll come across some kind of incredible ancient building/architecture/ruin, and I can see how it would never get old. I took a train early morning friday and stayed through saturday evening...wish I could have stayed longer and am looking forward to heading back in a month with my parents!

The Vatican/Vatican Museum
First stop was the Vatican Museum - this is the Belvedere Courtyard (Courtyard of the Pinecone) by Bramante. The ancient bronze pinecone fountain gives it the name.

The rotating bronze sphere at the center of the courtyard - really neat sculpture. It's not that I don't remember the's really called "Sphere."

Lacoon and his sons

Belvedere Courtyard

Inside the Vatican Museum

Looking down the Gallery of Maps in the Vatican Museum - the walls were lined with old maps and the ornate ceiling seemed to go on forever.

Raphael's School of Athens painting

The Sistine Chapel (photography is VERY discouraged/illegal but luckily I am verrry sneaky.) It's got a lot of hype, but it didn't disappoint.

St. Peter's Basilica
It's even larger than the Duomo in Florence! It's amazing.

Outside the Vatican

Another one of those places that just doesn't disappoint. It's unbelieveably beautiful, I could have stayed and explored for the rest of the day.

my panoramic skills

The Ancient Walk
A walk through ancient Rome - we covered The Roman Forum, Capitoline Hill and the Pantheon.

Assorted ancient things


Rome has amazing food! I had pizza twice while I was there...which is a lot considering I was there for a day and a half. This one had zucchini and prosciutto.

And also...amazing gelato. Apparently there is a gelato place (not this one, another one that was down the street) from where Obama has gelato shipped to the US for his daughters. I'm going there next time.

One of the many fountains throughout Rome. Unfortunately I didn't make it to the Trevi Fountain but hopefully I will before I leave Italy!

Villa Borghese/Gallery - a gorgeous villa-turned gallery that was once the home to Pope Paul V and his incredible art collection. Unfortunately I was unable to take photos inside, but not only is the collection extensive, the villa itself and the architecture and interior is just amazing.
Right outside the Villa Borghese gardens - unbelieveably beautiful and seemingly never-ending. Unfortunately after I went to the Borghese Gallery there wasn't enough time for me to explore the gardens - I had to grab my train back home to Florence.

Another shot of the outskirts of the Borghese Gardens - wish I could have had a few hours to just explore.

Rome really is an incredible place - much more of a city than Florence and much larger. DEFINITELY not overrated!

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