Monday, February 28, 2011

Around Florence...

We finally ventured inside the Duomo and hiked to the top of it! It's 463 steps to the top (not to mention the way back down.) It was pretty frightening...the steps are barely big enough and quite curvy. But, that view from the top made it all worth it.
Literally, you can see ALL of Florence from up there. I need to go up there more often just to understand the layout of Florence.


I spy Santa Croce

Father & Daughter

I was lucky to be able to spend a lot of time with Lisa's parents while they were here! We had a lot of good times - Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Lombardi for truly one of the best weekends yet (since I know you read this!) Hope you both had as good a time as I did!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed the time there as much as we did. It was a pleasure to spend the time with you too. One thing disappoints me tho, your pictures are so much better than mine!
    Lisa's Dad
