Sunday, January 23, 2011

1.22 Arezzo & Perugia

Today I went on a field trip with my 16th century architecture class...we took a train to Arezzo, spent a few hours there, and then took another train to Perugia. It was disappointing because the weather was about as bad as possible - snow, rain, freezing we didn't really get the full impact of the beauty of the places we were seeing. And it wasn't exactly good photo-taking weather, so I only got a few decent ones. In Arezzo we saw many churches and many piazzas - the churches all beautiful and covered in frescos. Perugia is kind of on top of a mountain, so we took a "mini-metro," which was small and like a rollercoaster to the top. We went to a museum, but I split off from the group with the TA and we checked out some incredible frescos by the artist Perugino - definitely the most beautiful I've ever seen. Then we took the train straight back to Florence!

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