Monday, January 17, 2011

Saturday - Exploring & Bikes

Today, Carla (our host mom) got us up early and we headed out to explore. This was before we got bikes - Carla seems to prefer biking over walking, so she biked while we had to run along behind her trying to keep up. We walked through a little market and then over a river to get to the "bike shop" which turned out to be more of a junk store. We picked out the bikes we wanted and rode off (to later learn the brakes weren't really functional.) Later, we went over to another host mom's house (Carla is apparently friends with many) and had dinner with a big group of moms and their host kids - we got to meet a lot of people. Dinner is always in multiple courses - a pasta or two, salad/vegetables and bread, some kind of meat, and then a dessert...and we're usually pretty full after the first course!

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