Friday, April 22, 2011

Pompeii, Herculaneum, Naples

4.16 - 4.17

For my Etruscans and Romans class, our final field trip was an overnight trip to Pompeii, Herculaneum and Naples (and Sorrento.) We left really early Saturday morning and took the train straight into Naples and then took a bus to Pompeii.

Pompeii - that's Mt. Vesuvius! It erupts about every 60 years, and it's been a little more than we were expecting an eruption. No such luck.

Again, Mount Vesuvius in the background with some Pompeii ruins.

Cheese! (One of the people preserved due to being totally encased in ash after the eruption)


Italian gummy bears

There are tons of stray dogs in Pompeii

After exploring Pompeii (for 5 whole was a little excessive) we got back on the bus and rode to Sorrento...really all we did in Sorrento though was have dinner and sleep.
Pretty cool sunset on the drive through Sorrento


Villa Oplontis - we stopped here before Herculaneum. It's this huge villa that you can tell was gorgeous, and it was also totally covered with the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.

That's Lisa

More stray dogs! Herculaneum is just like Pompeii, but a little better-preserved and intact.

Annnnd more ruins

Cool tiled flooring

All in all it was a good trip! It is fascinating to see all these ancient cities that were completely covered due to the only advice would to pick one or the other, not both...I was a little ruined-out by the end.

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